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my game is not downloading and I really want to play

hope someone can help i have 2 problems one no story i dowloaded is working and i have it in the right place as i did look up where to put it and lastly i keep trying to play vickie vixen valentine but every time she keeps saying are you tryin to run from me or something and i lose every time but as soon as she says god finally i answer where you at and wait for her to come to me but to no avail she also seems to be further back to the left of the house and all the gameplays i seen she is at the bushes sorry this was long asf but if anyone knows whats goin on pls let me know


This is a game and it should be free.



its their game. if its original. they can sell the game for the price they want. this is also on Steam and GameJolt. Are you familiar of the phrase "Take it or leave it"? That means you can take the prices the way you are or leave homeboy. 


"Your card does not support this type of purchase"


I can't but it, please add paypal as a option for buy it.


Is it possible to add PayPal as a payment option? Stripe constantly declines my card, can't get the payment to go through.

Hey sorry about the crazy long response time, but that's an thing. Not a bad idea though!

Is this broken?  I can't even download updates to the game now...


Fixed two days later.

tried playing the game loads up just fine but there is no one in the house and it wont update ethier. any Ideas?

When this happens, and always when updating to a new version, the best practice is to delete the Eek! folder and any other House Party files before downloading the new version. That should work.

I guess it's never too late for Valentine's Day!

Finally we get to see the kinky side of Brittney!


Alright so Frank is.. something else. Did not expect that.

I would very much like to play this game on my computer, but it will not work because my computer is very old. How would you optimize the game? not only would I be grateful. Not many have an i7.  :(

Vickie Vixen is nuts, i was not expecting to get a blow in the tub out of the blue!

Hey guys! I just updated the Devlog with what we are working on right now! We are aiming to have the new Beta to you guys on December 7th :)

Rachel, I swear, is IMPOSSIBLE to complete in one go without a detailed instruction list! WOO. I tried seven times and just kept screwing up! But don't worry, the correct order of how to finally sleep with her once you start spoof texting is at the end. :P Censored... but still probably NSFW.

This game never ceases to amaze me.


Hey guys!

0.7.4 has been underway since Monday, and we have a lot of cool new updates coming to the game.  This sprint is focused on story updates mostly, but there are also a lot of cool "under the hood" developments packed in.

The release date for 0.7.4 Alpha will be 10/19/17, and we will probably follow that up with one more Alpha release before going to Beta.  Thanks again so much for your support, and we are striving to keep up this pace of bringing 3 to 4 updates per month to our subscribers!

Here is the change log so far for 0.7.3 to 0.7.4:


y'all should do a free give away u don't have to if ya don't want to

 I'm just a random person with a random thought.

Deleted 7 years ago

The game works please reference this page for troubleshooting your issue.

A man was murdered in this game 10/10 would play again


Install not working. bad thing!!!

Hey not sure if you figured it out yet, but you can always reference this page for trouboeshooting.

Installation issue, please help?

In how many years will it be updated i have waited a long time

Not sure if you got it yet but 0.7.3 is now available.

how do i start the game

The instructions are cut off in the text box when I play. Just wondering if there's another place to look at them to see the full list.

Just played the beta of the game, and it's very well made I must say!

The game offers a lot of different decisions which makes it really interesting.
If you make one mistake, your chances with that girl are as good as gone! So pick wisely!

It does have quite some difficulty in it, and might require you to start over a couple of times, but in the end, it's worth it!

I did experience some bugs here and there (in later parts) but I'm sure these are removed by now in the game.

Like some others, I also made some videos, feel free to use them for publicity or anything else!


every time i try to install it almost finishes but then stops and restrts


same just looks like its installing then nothing

yeah, same issue

This is just a porno

(1 edit) (+2)

i can't install the game it keeps on restarting

Also decided to cover Rachel's story, trully is the longuest atm.

Make sure to follow me @ YouTube as i upload new videos every single day about random games like this!

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(1 edit)

Decided to give this another try since it has been released on steam now.

Make sure to follow me @ YouTube as i upload new videos every single day about random games like this!

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It's getting down to the wire! We start the beginning of the end with the silver tuna... RACHEL! 


it doesnt work

Okay I'm so cringy :D

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