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Could some of the Dev's pls help me, I bought this content, but I got a new Pc and forgot the Information on my old one. Would it be possible in any way to get a new one or my old one Re-send? I even got the pay info in my PayPal.

Deleted 266 days ago
Deleted 266 days ago

Hey! You have to update this mod. It doesn`t work since the last house party update... :(


how do i get it to work

how do i pay with a paysafe card??

if it's even possible of course

or is it possible to buy this dlc from somehwere else

Aguardando uma tradução para português do Brasil. É impossível jogar esse jogo sem tutorial, imagina sem tradução?!


Hi, I'm from Russia and I can't purchase your product due to the blocking of the card payment system and Pay Pal.

Are there alternative ways and will there be an opportunity to purchase through Epic Games?


stop invading countries than maybe the world will have sympathy for your boner

(1 edit) (+2)

o sry, catch the rocket

i want a refund its not working for me

Hi Alibhaba,

We're very sorry the House Party Explicit Content Universal Installer is not working for you!

We have a support team on our official Discord that can help walk you through the steps to get it working with House Party. If, for some reason, it is still not working for you, our team can look into issuing you a refund!

You can contact our support team here: 

Have a great day!

(2 edits) (+1)

i got it working on the Epic Games Store, it's just only the 4 files that goes to the Censorship files and leave it be. 

Program Files/Epic Games/HouseParty/HouseParty_Data/StreamingAssets (now do a reminder create a new file name called Explicit Content and put 4 files you downloaded here)

now go to Documents/Eek/HouseParty/Mods/Censorship use the text create a new document called FuckCensorship.txt 

Hope This Helps! this is the update for 2023


I accidently purchased this with the explicit base-game version. Is there a way to get a refund?


Absolutely! Just contact customer support to start the return process!

when i try to run House party Explict Content Installer i get a white square called form 1. the discord wont help me. Can i refund or can someone help me


Hi Krippa! 

We're sorry to hear that the Discord hasn't been helpful! It has been over the holiday, so it's possible that our technical support team is just a bit delayed due to winter break! What is your username on Discord (please also include the hashtag and numbers at the end of the username)? We will have a team member reach out to assist you! :)

Hey, the new update 1.0.7 gives heur/apc virus alarm on anti-virus


Thanks for letting us know! If you can create a Ticket in our Discord's Support Center and provide more details for our troubleshooting team, we can work on looking into this more to see why the new version may be causing an alarm:

To add a little bit more information to this as well, anti-virus software can often identify a program it doesn't recognize as a potential virus.  The "heur" specifically refers to  the anti-virus attempting to identify a virus that is unknown.  Because our installer copies the needed files and may not be a recognized exe file by the anti-virus it makes sense that it can trip that alarm.  Thanks for letting us know!  And, as stated above, we can definitely provide further support on our Discord as well!

no one answers me in your discord

Deleted 2 years ago

Hi ImmortalOreo,

Sorry you're having difficulties finding your Epic Games House Party folder and getting an error during installation! Our support team on Discord should be able to walk you through setting up the House Party Explicit Content Universal Installer to work with your game! 

Here's a link to contact them:

Have a great day and a happy holiday! :)

Thanks eekgames.

Normally patches like that are free.

Even <2 bucks is way to expensive for a patch that doesn't work and there is no money back guarantee to try it.

You're right - and if it was just a patch to remove censorship, it would be free! However, it adds additional content to the game and is a DLC of its own with dedicated updates, bug support, and major content patches. If you decide to try it, we hope you enjoy it!

As far as trying it to see if you like it, we recommend checking out uncensored let's plays, player reviews, or asking members of our Discord community ( before you spend the $1.54 to purchase it! You can always refer to GameJolt's return policy, too, to make sure you can return it if you decide you don't like it and want a full refund of the money spent!

Have a great day and an awesome holiday!


I couldn't start the installation as many times IIn redownload the mod and click on the app to install the mod at my download directory, It say this issue (image below):

Hi Peekmon!

We're sorry that you're having difficulties starting your installation!

I believe there might sometimes be an error pop-up if you haven't extracted the folder first, but, if that's not the issue, please contact our technical support team on our Discord. They have the best knowledge about troubleshooting and will be happy to help you work through this and get your game running properly!

You can contact them here:

I'm having the same problem as everyone else i do not see my download

Sorry you are not seeing your download! Our support team can help with this!

You can contact them here:


That didn't help I would like a refund please

So ein Dreck, der Installer macht rein gar nichts. Wenn man die Anwendung ausführt öffnet sich nur ein Fenster mit der Bezeichnung "Form 1" und das war es dann auch schon.

Ich werde mein Geld über Paypal zurückfordern, wenn mir da nicht geholfen werden sollte! :(

Hello! We're very sorry that the installer isn't working for you! 

The installer has been tested by our team and many other players and is fully functional, but sometimes the installation process can be a bit confusing!

Please join our Discord here so our support team can help you through the process and get your game working properly:

Google Translate version: 

Hallo! Es tut uns sehr leid, dass der Installer bei Ihnen nicht funktioniert!

Der Installer wurde von unserem Team und vielen anderen Spielern getestet und ist voll funktionsfähig, aber manchmal kann der Installationsprozess etwas verwirrend sein!

Bitte treten Sie hier unserem Discord bei, damit unser Support-Team Ihnen durch den Prozess helfen und Ihr Spiel richtig zum Laufen bringen kann:


I have the same problem.  , the installer does absolutely nothing. When you run the application, only a window called "Form 1" opens and that's it. hel help :V

Hi there! The installer does function, although it can be difficult to operate for first-time users. Our support team can help you:

Après  une multitude d'essai, le paiement n'est pas pris en compte et le DLC n'est pas livré, ce défaut pourrait-il être corrigé ?

Hello! Sorry to hear that your payment is not going through!

This seems like it could be an error in's system. You may be able to try paying by a different method, such as via PayPal, to remedy the problem. 

If that does not work, please contact's support team or reach out to our official support team on our Discord for further assistance:

Google Translate version:

Bonjour! Désolé d'apprendre que votre paiement ne passe pas!

Cela semble être une erreur dans le système d' Vous pourrez peut-être essayer de payer par une autre méthode, par exemple via PayPal, pour remédier au problème.

Si cela ne fonctionne pas, veuillez contacter l'équipe d'assistance d' ou contacter notre équipe d'assistance officielle sur notre Discord pour obtenir de l'aide :

J'ai payé  5,99 USD ce jour mais je n'ai reçu aucun lien de téléchargement dans ma boîte au lettre. Que se passe t-il ?

Hello! We are sorry to hear that you paid for the DLC but the download has not showed up for you.

Since it has now been a couple of days for the payment to process, can you confirm that this transaction went through and the money was removed from your account? 

On our end, we cannot see any transaction for $5.99 USD went through, but if you can provide us with your email, we can confirm that for certain. If the money was not removed from your account, you should be able to simply re-try the transaction!

If the money was removed, but you have still not received the game, please send us your email privately via the Contact Us form on our official website ( or our official Discord ( so we can look further into what is going on! Thank you!

Google translate version:

Bonjour! Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous avez payé pour le DLC, mais le téléchargement ne s'est pas présenté pour vous.

Étant donné que le traitement du paiement s'est maintenant écoulé depuis quelques jours, pouvez-vous confirmer que cette transaction a été effectuée et que l'argent a été retiré de votre compte?

De notre côté, nous ne voyons aucune transaction pour 5,99 USD, mais si vous pouvez nous fournir votre adresse e-mail, nous pouvons le confirmer avec certitude. Si l'argent n'a pas été retiré de votre compte, vous devriez pouvoir simplement réessayer la transaction!

Si l'argent a été retiré, mais que vous n'avez toujours pas reçu le jeu, veuillez nous envoyer votre e-mail en privé via le formulaire Contactez-nous sur notre site officiel ( ou notre Discord officiel (https:/ / afin que nous puissions approfondir nos connaissances! Merci!

such a bad luck! the installer only works for EPIC version, none any optional for steam.

Hey!  Sorry you're having trouble with the installer.  It does work for Steam as well!  I think it is a little bit better at finding the Epic install currently though.

If it's unable to find your Steam folder, it should give you the option to specify the location, but if you have a minute to drop by our discord, we'd be happy to help you get it working and/or help you manually copy the files to the Steam folder!

Geht trotz des Updates noch immer nicht! Sucht noch immer nur nach EPIC Store und nicht nach Steam ebenfalls kann man den Ordner auch leider nicht suchen

Deleted 2 years ago

Tut mir leid, dass du Probleme hast! Der Installer findet Steam oft, aber nicht in allen Fällen. Es sollte Sie jedoch auf jeden Fall den Ordner auswählen lassen! Wenn Sie bei unserem Discord vorbeischauen können, können wir Ihnen bei der Installation helfen!

Sorry you're having trouble!  The installer does find Steam often, but not in all cases.  It should definitely let you choose the folder though!  If you can stop by our discord we can help you get it installed!

Hätte ich mir denken können das dass wieder nur Geld rauß Werfen ist  Nichts | geht da dran nicht mal der Installer.

Tut mir leid, dass du Probleme hast! Wenn du bei unserem Discord vorbeischauen kannst, helfen wir gerne, wir haben dort tolle Helfer, die auch ohne Google Translate Deutsch sprechen!

Sorry you're having trouble!  If you can stop by our discord, we'll be happy to help, we have some amazing helpers there who speak German without Google Translate too!

Installer doesnt work


The Installer has been tested by many users and is fully functional! However, if it isn't working for you, our Discord support team is happy to help! You can reach out to them here:

Hey!  We just updated the installer, if your problem is what we think it is, it shouldn't crash anymore!

hello, the universal installer cant find my steam version of the game so it comes up with a notepad, any idea what i should do because on the website it says to manually move the house party file into the universal installer but i have no idea how

Hi there! Sorry you're having trouble getting the installer to work with Steam! Our Discord support team can help with this issue. You can reach them here:

Hey!  We just updated the installer, if your problem is what we think it is, it shouldn't crash anymore!  It should find your steam install as well, but if it doesn't you should also get the option to manually choose the install folder.

The Universal installer doesn't work! it looks only for epic and not for steam

Hi there! Sorry you're having trouble getting the patch to work with your game!

The Universal Installer should be able to uncensor any version of House Party, regardless of where it was purchased from!

For technical support, please visit our Discord and reach out to our dedicated support team here:

Hey!  We just updated the installer, if your problem is what we think it is, it shouldn't crash anymore!  It should find your steam install as well, but if it doesn't you should also get the option to manually choose the install folder.

thank you very much i will try it in the next days 

马赛克游戏  不会买的

耿直点 文件直接发我QQ里 下次出新游戏了还会买   你这个我都是原价80买的  要是下次你还卖马赛克游戏 绝对不会买的

我付个款给钱不就行了吗   还得填详细地址 搞毛线  

我手上有很多同类游戏    别人官方都是完整下载   玩家只需要进文档里修改一个文件就可去除马赛克    这都是游戏商为避开平台商线下默认的  而你家却不这样做 很不地道    玩个游戏 出现马赛克 和显示器花屏有什么区别  极度影响游戏体验

你这个网站打不开 但我能进这个  只要一选着PC版就显示网络无链接  

我在steam里全款买的 .锁国区给我屏蔽了这个DLC。准备买进来。好家伙这些卡我一张都没有。就不能出个微信或支付宝支付吗

I believe we only currently have PayPal set up as an alternative to card payment on! However, our Discord may be able to help and provide more info:

so i bought the game at full price, the "platform" says the game is too adult and gets censored in my country... but i have to pay now again to see what i already payed for? wow... nice service guys....

Hi there! Please reach out to our support team on Discord and they can help get this situation sorted!

Here's a link: