0.12.4 Stable Release
House Party (Non-Explicit Version) » Devlog

Hey guys! As you are already aware, the last update cycle was MASSIVE in scope! And with lots of new content comes lots of new bugs and room for improvement and optimization. That's what this update is about. Before we dove into the next content cycle, we decided to really tweak and optimize the game a bit first. This release includes many optimizations and performance tweaks that should hopefully yield a notable FPS increase for some. It's not ALL technical stuff though! We've added some new sound effects, over 100 new background chatter lines, a complete UI redesign, and a lot of story polish as well. Enjoy! CHANGE LOG:
- Added Player and NPC footstep sound effects
- Redesigned the UI
- Added new Dialogue Avatars
- Added new phone models
- Added new Steam client icon and shortcut icons
- Added over 100 new Background Chatters and Responses
- In the Original Story: Added a new Achievement: Party Pooper
- Players eyes now reflect how drunk they are
- Tweaked performance in many areas, resulting in about a 10% FPS increase (based on internal testing)
- Upgraded to using .NET 4.6
- The game is now compiling using IL2CPP (better performance)
- Player and NPCs can now be in various states of arousal based on current surroundings
- Extended the background chatter system to include criteria that can be assigned to them
- Extended the background chatter system so that responses to chatter are less nonsensical
- Extended the background chatter system so that players can use them in custom stories
- Buried game tips deep inside background chatter conversation so the player is rewarded for eavesdropping on longer conversations
- Optimized lights for better performance
- Optimized some functions related to character vision
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Phone Call character to not progress through dialogues correctly
- Fixed an issue where float values were not evaluated correctly in the engine
- Added search capabilities to the Custom Story Creator
- Added ability to add Criteria to Background Chatter so NPCs will be able to be smarter about what they say and when
- Changed Low FPS Warning Toggle to a Pause menu item
- Use/Give menu is now in alphabetical order
- Optimized Garbage Collection
- Optimized new memory allocations in game loops
- Improved transparency issues for all characters
- Fixed Ashley’s panties clipping through her body
- Fixed an issue where sounds could continue on loop erroneously
- Fixed an issue where an NPC could invite another to hang out in a location they are prohibited to navigate to
- Fixed an issue where characters aren’t getting distracted properly
- Tweaked some animations
- Fixed invisible Player clothing in mirror reflection at certain angles
- Adjusted the position of the Motor Oil so that it is consistently reachable for use in all stories
- Fixed an issue with the PlayerBeingSpokenTo criteria that was preventing it from evaluating correctly under certain circumstances
- Addressed an issue that could prevent saved games from being loaded by some users in niche situations
- Added ‘cancel’ subcommand to the Command Console’s ‘combat’ command
- Fixed an issue that would result in a combat cancellation keeping the “target” character in an InCombat state. This will fix things like the player being unable to Climb the gutter AFTER escaping from Frank or Derek in “The Muse”, etc.
- Move Target referencing for the Roaming, WalkTo, WarpTo, and LookAt commands should be slightly more forgiving of minor typos
- Addressed an issue that could cause a distance check to reference an unintended game object instead of a move target, if a game object existed that shared a name with a move target (Garage, etc.)
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the Roaming console command from working as expected
- In the Original Story: If the Player delivers the line about giving Irish Coffee to Patrick within earshot of Frank, Frank will get all kinds of mad. ONLY affects this dialogue, not any others OR the act of giving Patrick the Hot Coffee item
- In the Original Story: Katherine will now intellectually evaluate the worthiness of one more potential item while she is laying on the bed waiting for the Player during the Katherine’s D-Mands opportunity
- In the Original Story: Added some prevention mechanics so that Derek does not stop looking for Purgalicious in favor of talking to other NPCs, after the Player uses the Voice Recorder on the Art Room Window
- In the Original Story: The Player will now automatically unlock locked doors with the Open action on their radial, if they have the correct key and other criteria do not prevent them from doing so. The option to manually “Unlock” a door will remain on the radial
- In Date Night With Brittney: addressed an issue that would prevent the Phone Call interactions from working, forcing the user to close the game/restart
- In Date Night With Brittney: the Motor Oil is now used instead of the Natty Lite in the Garage
- In Date Night With Brittney: the Gut Grip is now used instead of the Blue Hair Dye
- In Date Night With Brittney: addressed confusing titles for the Phone Call avatar/dialogues
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause Patrick’s dialogue during the “interview excerpt” sequence to not be audible to many users
- In Date Night With Brittney: tweaked the failure ending that occurs when the Player gives Brittney some “notes” they took at some point during the story. Should execute much cleaner
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause duplicate or confusing game messages to pop up when the Player took certain actions with the Computer
- In Date Night With Brittney: Patrick will no longer be calling attention to himself like the world’s worst stalker by dancing in the bushes
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause the wrong display message to come up if the Player ingested an item at a very specific time
- In Date Night With Brittney: minor Social Event/Values tweaks
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed minor inconsistencies in Actions or feedback given to the Player for a few items, including a little Easter Egg for an Item Action that previously did nothing
- In Date Night With Brittney: cleaned up certain intimacy sequences
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a handful of issues that could compromise the Player’s ability to initiate intimacy with Brittney
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that could allow the Player to use both the Sabotage AND Commit Actions with the Stove
- In Date Night With Brittney: refactored Event Triggers and some Values to be more easily readable in the Debug Log or Story Creator
- In the Original Story: Brittney will no longer favor the Player with infinite Romance points if he repeats the “dare” response in the Hot Tub with Amy repeatedly
- In the Original Story: Addressed an issue that could cause Vickie to have duplicate responses when in the Hot Tub with the player for her “test”
- In the Original Story: Tweaked a couple of Player responses, fixed a typo, and adjusted Katherine’s behavior during her “pictures for Frank” sequence with the Player
- In Date Night With Brittney: Made a number of fixes and tweaks to the “wrestling” (“In the Ring” opportunity) ending and accompanying intimacy
- In Date Night With Brittney: the pizza box will always be visible to the Player if they went down the “Sabotage Dinner” route
- In Date Night With Brittney: Player can no longer choose BOTH compliments or jokes to deliver to Brittney, which was leading to confusing exchanges
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that would make it appear as though Patrick gave the Player his phone twice
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a minor issue where an Event Trigger would initiate the same intimacy act twice with the Player in quick succession
- In Date Night With Brittney: minor timing tweaks and typo adjustments
- In the Original Story: slight tweaks to Amy and Ashley’s behavior when Derek approaches the Player after Ashley fully trusts you (Smooth Operator: Ashley)
- In the Original Story: added a handful of helpful thought bubbles, and cleaned up a couple of others
- In the Original Story: added a few extra emotive events throughout Madison’s newer content
- n the Original Story: no longer possible to ask Madison an identical question in both her Smooth Operator AND Like a French Girl “Q&A” sequences
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison to be permanently angry with the Player AND all other NPCs at the party. Yes, this was a technical issue. No, it was not a personality flaw
- In the Original Story: the Player can now actually get Amy to a more private spot if she is around others when approached. The response option to “wait it out”/talk other NPCs into leaving still remains
- In the Original Story: the Player can now invite Amy to go hang out at the fire pit again, if for any reason she moved away from it before the Player has had a chance to follow up on critical Chasing Amy dialogue(s)
- In the Original Story: added some clarity to a decision path that would effectively fail the Player out of the Chasing Amy opportunity, but wasn’t communicating that fact to the Player
- In the Original Story: should the Player talk to Ashley about Madison’s Sky Animals (Smooth Operator: Madison), she will no longer roam away at the end of the exchange after Patrick’s last line of dialogue
- In the Original Story: restricted Player movement during the finale of Smooth Operator: Madison to prevent confusing positioning during these last few dialogues
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was preventing the Player from using an intended “helpful” response option and accompanying dialogue from Madison regarding some older content
- In the Original Story: improved upon Katherine’s automatic recovery after giving her the tampered rum, if the Player had previously completed Stephanie’s Drunk and Disorderly
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could lead to Amy’s underwear showing through her shorts after intimacy
- In the Original Story: Frank will be a bit more prompt in returning to his chair
- In the Original Story: tweaked some of the logic that immediately precedes intimacy with Amy, in an attempt to make it slightly easier to be alone with her
- In the Original Story: tweaks to certain characters’ behavior when they catch the Player mid-intimacy with another NPC
- In the Original Story: tweaked door behaviors prior to being intimate with Ashley after her Smooth Operator and Sibling Warfare opportunities
- In the Original Story: tweaked Amy’s “toe stub” event to prevent her from doing so and then awkwardly moving away or standing back up too soon
- In the Original Story: addressed an issue that would allow Steph to stay completely naked after her Drunk and Disorderly under certain conditions
- In the Original Story: addressed an issue that could sometimes allow Katherine to continue running after she drank the Tampered Rum
- In Date Night With Brittney: the Player can now also choose the “Slower” option when oral with Brittney is ongoing
- In Date Night With Brittney: reduced the chance of seeing a redundant set of dialogues from Brittney, depending on how the Player greets her (or doesn’t)
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed an issue that was causing the Unlock option to always be available on one of the liquor cabinet doors
- In Date Night With Brittney: cleaned up and added some additional emotive flavor to the “embarrass Patrick” ending
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: refreshed export to maintain concurrence with 0.12.3/0.12.4 scripting changes
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed a couple minor typos and thought bubble inconsistencies
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: the Player’s underwear will no longer show through his pants if he opts to put his pants on prior to engaging in intimacy with Vickie
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: reverted a criteria that could, under very specific circumstances, prevent Vickie from following the Player to the edibles stash
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed instances of Vickie’s Panties and the “Catnip” not having inspect texts
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: considerable revamp and improvements to the intimacy scene between the Player and Vickie
- In the Original Story: Derek will not walk away from Madison and the Player quite as quickly while he is gloating about the Player being a phony prior to a special ending/failure of The Muse
- In the Original Story: Frank will not walk away from the Player quite as quickly right before he gets dressed during the special ending/failure of The Muse
- In the Original Story: fixed a number of punctuation issues and a few text formatting problems
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could potentially allow the Player to either get stuck on a faded/black screen during a special ending/failure of The Muse, or experience awkward/unintended dialogue exchanges
- In the Original Story: reduced the change that Derek and Madison would try to talk to each other through the master bathroom door after Derek locks her inside during High and Dry
- In the Original Story: cleaned up some background chatter criteria
- In the Original Story: slightly loosened up on the requirements to obtain the Amy Scavenger Hunt achievement, due to the unclear description in-game and in the Steam achievement. The game will now also give a tiny bit more of a nudge in the right direction
- In the Original Story: cleaned up an ambiguous thought bubble regarding the use of the voice recorder item
- In the Original Story: minor tweaks to some of Madison’s behaviors related to the intimacy ending of The Muse
- In the Original Story: Katherine’s line about the internet no longer “points” to the Player/requires her to move to the Player
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was causing Rachael to still only offer generic “goodbye” responses for the Player to use leading up to her intimacy sequence
- In the Original Story: tweaked Katherine’s acceptance of the Rum to be more forgiving if the Player is not also in the middle of Madison’s art show
- In the Original Story: Player can now give the non-tampered rum to Katherine during Madison’s art show, and feedback was added in the event that the Player attempts to give the tampered rum to Katherine during the art show
- In the Original Story: Just like when the Player gives Katherine the un-tampered rum, Katherine will now take the tampered rum from the Player when they give it to her
- In the Original Story: the Player should get slightly better feedback from Madison about her current state during The Muse
- In the Original Story: both speakers in the living room use the same Inspect game message type now
- In the Original Story: added inspect texts to a couple items that were missing them (this does not mean they are now usable)
- In the Original Story: Patrick should not walk away from Brittney while talking to her about his phone anymore
- In the Original Story: it is no longer possible to exchange otherwise normal dialogue with Madison once she has knelt down in front of the player after completing Humiliate Ashley for that opportunity’s intimacy reward
- In the Original Story: the Player no longer reverts to the standard “goodbye” response upon a repeat of the post-Humiliate Ashley intimacy reward
- In the Original Story: added a dialogue option that should prevent the Player from having to wait as long to experience the post-Humiliate Ashley intimacy reward, should Madison be surrounded by NPCs (does not guarantee that said intimacy spot will be 100% clear)
- In the Original Story: added a handful of conditionally appropriate inspect texts for characters or items
- In the Original Story: added a protective event that should help somewhat to prevent Rachael from getting stuck with the wrong clothes being on (or off) when she’s issued dares and has used the hot tub
- In the Original Story: the Player can now also choose to grab the empty bottle of vodka if they have a “booze pass”/the verbal go ahead from Frank
- In the Original Story: Vickie no longer has an unnecessary global goodbye response AND a specific response available when she catches the Player pleasuring themselves
- In the Original Story: the Player must be further in The Muse’s storyline to experience the…unique intimacy ending involving our favorite arctic friend
- In the Original Story: considerable behavioral tweaks to the Vickie intimacy ending and her hot tub mechanics
- In the Original Story: Should be more intuitive to get Vickie back to the hot tub if she has been pushed outside it or wandered away
- In the Original Story: the Player should no longer run into scenarios where they can seemingly “fail out” of her “tests” unless the Player chooses to do so
- In the Original Story: resolved a bug that caused Vickie to get dressed and stay dressed, preventing further interaction, under certain circumstances (saving the game, walking away and performing highly specific actions) when the Player was about to engage in “hot tub intimacy” with her
- In the Original Story: Ashley’s reaction to the Player being shirtless will no longer trigger with precedence over her “Caught the Player During Intimacy” dialogues
- In the Original Story: slight story-based tweaks to the transition into the Hot Tub HJ position, and the transition out of it
- In the Original Story: additional small tweaks and optimizations to Rachael’s behavior(s) and clothing states during her various dares, as well as after her intimacy finale
- In the Original Story: Katherine will no longer “lose her phone” permanently under certain circumstances if the Player makes her sick AND does Stephanie’s Drunk and Disorderly opportunity
- In the Original Story: Rachael is less likely to walk away from the living room when dancing during her “bikini dance” dare
- In the Original Story: Rachael can no longer be told to go look for Vickie if she is topless or completely naked. She’s bashful like that…and you aren’t that convincing
- In the Original Story: resolved an issue that could prevent Rachael from pleasuring herself in the art room/spare room 2 if the player rapidly moved into vision at specific times
- In the Original Story: miscellaneous cleanup and polish of Rachael’s art room intimacy
- In the Original Story: neither the Player nor other NPCs will be able to push Rachael into unintended positions once she is art room waiting to enjoy herself
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would lead to the Player having an unintendedly modified “sensitivity” value AFTER Ashley’s prank vs. Madison had completed, if Vickie’s “Training Day” opportunity had also been started
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: the Player and Vickie can also mutually self-pleasure during her intimacy finale
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed a “climactic” line from Vickie to better match her actual voice acting
- In Date Night with Brittney: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to have to wait to re-engage Brittney for intimacy should they have exposed themselves to her immediately before her outside intimacy scene
- In the Original Story: additional tweaks to Derek’s behavior towards the end of High and Dry to prevent the “art window” sequence from playing out in a confusing manner
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was letting the player easily escape from Frank and/or Derek by climbing the gutter
- In the Original Story: tweaked the ending of Stephanie’s intimacy sequence to end more gracefully
Get House Party (Non-Explicit Version)
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House Party (Non-Explicit Version)
Edgy Comedy Adventure (Non-Explicit)
Status | Released |
Author | eekgames |
Genre | Adventure, Puzzle |
Tags | 3D, Comedy, Exploration, First-Person, Narrative, Open World, Romance, sexy, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
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